Scheme for Financial Assistance for the Preservation and Development of Buddhist/Tibetan Culture and Art (Scheme Revised in October 2011) |
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Contact Details | Mr Yash Veer Singh (US), NAI Annexe, Building Janpath Phone: 23070790 |
Objective | To give financial assistance to the voluntary Buddhist/Tibetan organizations including Monasteries engaged in the propagation and scientific development of Buddhist/Tibetan culture, tradition and research in related fields. |
Criteria for Grants | i. The voluntary Institutions/Organizations and Societies should be registered as a Society under the Societies Registration Act (XXI of 1860) or similar Acts.
ii. Only those Organizations which are mainly devoted to Buddhist/ Tibetan studies and have been functioning at least for the last three years will qualify for applying for a grant.
iii. The Organization should be of regional or all-India character.
iv. The grants will be ad-hoc and of a non-recurring nature.
v. Grants from this scheme will be given only to those organizations which are not in receipt of grants from any other source for similar purposes.
vi. Financial assistance may also be given for construction of hostel building, class rooms, school buildings and training centres.
vii. Organizations which are doing good work in the field and having resources for meeting matching funds will be given preference. |
Purpose and quantum of Assistance | Financial assistance is given for all or any of the items listed below upto a maximum of Rs.30.00 lakhs per year for any single organization. In case of the organizations of all-India character and running a school for imparting monastic education, the financial assistance may be given beyond the ceiling, on the recommendation of the Expert Advisory Committee and approved by the Minister (Culture) in consultation with the FA, Ministry of Culture.
S.No | Items | Maximum Amount per annum |
i | Maintenance (Salary of staff, Off. Exp/Misc. exp) | Rs.5,00,000/- |
ii | Research Project on promotion of Buddhist/Tibetan Art and Culture | Rs.2,00,000/- |
iii | Purchase of books, documentation and cataloguing relating to Buddhism | Rs.5,00,000/- |
iv | Award of scholarships to monk/nunnery students | Rs.5,00,000/- |
v | Holding of special courses on promotion of Buddhist/Tibetan Art and Culture | Rs.2,00,000/- |
vi | Audio- Visual Recording/Documentation/ Archiving of the traditional materials for preservation and dissemination of Buddhist Art & Culture | Rs.5,00,000/- |
vii | IT upgradation and IT-enabled Teaching/ Training aids for monastic/nunnery schools | Rs.5,00,000/- |
viii | Transport facilities for monastic/nunnery schools and monasteries located in remote areas | Rs.5,00,000/- |
ix | Salary of teachers where organization is running a school imparting monastic/ nunnery education | Rs.5,00,000/- |
x | Repairs, restoration, renovation of ancient monasteries and Heritage Buildings associated with Buddhism | Rs.30,00,000/- |
xi | Construction/Repairs/Extension with toilet and drinking water for Class Rooms, School Buildings, Hostels and Training Centres which are focused on Buddhist/ Tibetan Art and Culture as well as skill development of traditional craft for monastic/nunnery school | Rs.30,00,000/- |
The maximum grant admissible to an organization would be 75% of the total expenditure to be incurred on any item subject to maximum ceiling fixed. The remaining 25% expenditure or more should be met by the State Govt./U.T. Administration failing which the grantee organization could contribute the amount from their own resources. However, in the case of North-Eastern States and Sikkim, funding will be shared between the Government of India and the State Government in the ratio of 90:10 respectively failing which the grantee organization could contribute from their own resources. |
Procedure for application | The organization shall submit complete application alongwith the following documents/information to judge the eligibility of the organization through the concerned State Government/UTs. The organisation, however, located in North Eastern States, Sikkim, Leh and Kargil districts of Jammu & Kashmir are exempted to submit their applications direct to Ministry of Culture only with the recommendation of concerned District Collector/Dy. Commissioner.
S.No. | Documents/information |
i. | Copy of the valid Registration Certificate clearly showing the validity of the Registration. The copy of the Registration Certificate will be duly certified by a Gazetted Officer. |
ii. | Copy of Memorandum of Association |
iii. | Copies of Audited Accounts for last three years. |
iv. | Copies of Annual Report for last three years. |
v. | Item-wise write-up on each activity to be undertaken incorporating detailed break-up of funds sought, no. of target beneficiary, time schedule of the Project, etc. |
vi. | List of books to be purchased and their cost, if applicable. |
vii. | Copy of registration certificate & other documents in proof of ownership of the land/building in case of civil construction, if applicable. |
viii. | Detailed Project Report for civil works incorporating information, inter-alia, total land availability, estimated cost item wise, phasing of expenditure, completion schedule, approved estimates from State PWD for each item, details of Architect, details of class rooms – whether primary or secondary, Number of class rooms, Number of students per class rooms, what are the courses to be offered and upto which class, etc., if applicable. |
ix. | Details of teachers - name, age, qualifications and salary paid. Proposal relating to Salary of Teachers will be subject to the following: i. If the society is running a Monastic/Nunnery School in its building or it is running a school in its monastery. ii. Number of monk/nun students taking training in such school. iii. Number of teachers, their age and qualifications and salary paid to the teachers. iv. Is the Monastic/Nunnery School affiliated with some local Education Board in the State or any other Educational Board? v. Are the student’s day scholars or resident in the school? |
x. | Proposal relating to Award of Scholarship to students will be subject to the following conditions:- i. Criterion for selection of persons for payment of scholarship. ii. Does the organization notify in the beginning of the financial or academic year about the release of scholarship to the candidates to apply for scholarship? If yes mode of such notification and proof be given. |
Recommendation : The State Governments/UTs, District Collector/Dy. Commissioner while recommending the proposal will verify the following:
i. Registration status of the organisation.
ii. Whether as per Memorandum of Association the objectives and activities of organisation are related to promotion of Buddhist/Tibetan Art and Culture.
iii. In case funds are sought for IT upgradation, transport facilities, civil construction, salary of teachers whether a Monastery, Monastic/Nunnery School exists/owned by the organisation.
iv. Whether the organisation is capable of undertaking such projects.
v. Recommend the activity/activities and the amount thereto.
The Central Institute of Buddhist Studies, Leh will act as ‘Help Window’, for the organisations located in Leh and Kargil districts of J & K. |
Mode of and Conditions for Release of Grants | a. Grant shall be given based on the appraisal of applications and recommendation by the Expert Advisory Committee and thereafter administrative approval and financial concurrence of competent authorities in the Ministry of Culture.
b. Grants will be paid in two equal instalments, the first being normally released with the approval of the project. The second instalment will be released on receipt of duly audited statement of accounts showing the utilization of the entire amount of grant plus the share of the grantee/concerned State/U.T. Government and other documents on behalf of Chartered Accountant. The release of the balance of grant will be decided on the basis of the actual expenditure incurred on the project subject to the maximum limit.
c. An organization in receipt of financial assistance under the scheme shall be open to inspection by an officer of the Ministry of Culture, Government of India or the State Government concerned.
d. The accounts of the project shall be maintained properly and separately and submitted to the Government of India as and when required and will be subject to check by an officer of the Central Government or the State Government or by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India at his discretion.
e. The organisation shall submit detailed break-up of expenditure under the head “Maintenance” in a separate annexure forming part of accounts.
f. The grantee shall maintain :
i. Subsidiary accounts of the grants-in-aid received from the Government.
ii. Cash book Register in hand written bound books duly machine numbered.
iii. Grant-in-aid Register for the grant received from the Government and other agencies.
iv. Separate ledgers for each item of expenditure like construction of hostel building, etc.
g. The organization shall maintain a record of all assets acquired wholly or substantially out of the Central Government grant and shall not dispose of or encumber or utilize for purposes other than those for which the grant was given without prior approval of the Government of India.
h. If at any time, the Government of India has reason to believe that the sanctioned money is not being utilized for approved purposes, the payment of grant may be stopped and the earlier grants recovered.
i. The organization must exercise reasonable economy in the working of the approved project.
j. The grantee organization shall furnish to the Ministry of Culture a quarterly progress report of the project indicating in detail both the physical achievements and the expenditure incurred on each of the approved items separately.
k. The organisations availing grant for civil works will not be eligible for the grant for similar purpose for the next ten years.
l. The grantee shall furnish PWD completion certificate and photographic evidence for Civil Works.
m. The grantee shall submit five copies of the Research Project.
n. The grant for Repairs, restoration, renovation of Heritage Buildings associated with Buddhism is subject to certificate from Archaeological survey of India. An officer of appropriate level from ASI office/Circle concerned will be associated by the organisation for this activity.
o. Applications against which previous grant/Utilisation certificate is pending will not be considered. |
Mode of Payment | All payments will be made through electronic transfers. |
Outcome of the Scheme | A Performance-cum-achievement Report on the activity undertaken will be submitted in triplicate, duly bound, at the time of seeking second and final instalment to the Ministry and one copy to State Government/UT/Dy Commissioner concerned as per the following format:
Scheme of Financial Assistance for the Development of Buddhist/Tibetan Culture and Art Performance-cum-achievement Report
i. | Name, address, Tel/Fax of the organisation | |
ii. | Sanction No. and date | |
iii. | Total grant sanctioned/ expenditure |
Item | Grant sanctioned | Expenditure incurred |
iv. | Location of the Project | |
v. | No. of beneficiaries | |
vi. | Performance-cum-Achievements item-wise with photographs. | |
vii. | How it helped/will help for preservation and development of Buddhist Culture and Art | |
viii. | Any other point | |
Signature_____________ President/Secretary of organisation |
Incomplete applications | Incomplete applications not supported by the required documents and applications received without recommendation of the prescribed authority will not be considered and summarily rejected. |
Special Provision | The Expert Advisory Committee on the scheme is empowered to recommend or reject any proposal received without or with the recommendation of State Government/U.T. administration/ Local Administration and also to recommend the amount beyond the maximum limit but not exceeding Rs.1.00 crore from this scheme, in respect of any proposal which is of outstanding merit for which the EAC feels that the maximum limit would not be sufficient for undertaking the said project, with the approval of Minister (Culture) and concurrence of AS & FA, Ministry of Culture. |
Inspection and Monitoring | Inspection would be carried out by Ministry officials every year at least in 5% of the cases. The concerned State Govt/UTs Administration, District Collector/Dy Commissioner will also monitor. |
Penalties in case of misutilisation of Grants | The members of the executive body of the organisation would be liable for recovery of misused grants. The organisation will also be blacklisted for misuse of funds, fake registration certificate, etc. All immovable assets created from the Government grants would be taken over by local administration prescribed by the Ministry. |