Industrial, N.G.O.s and Medicinal Plants Projects-,,, visit- 1. Assistance in Registration of Society, Trust, 12a, 80g, FCRA, 35 ac 1&2, 10(23) 3. Ngo Sample Projects 4. Industrial Sample Projects Mr. U. M. Naidu sms to- 09654613221-
Friday, 17 June 2011
state resource centers-nlm 3
NLM.3 Section
Proposals from Non-governmental Organisation for setting up of State Resource
National Literacy Mission Authority, Ministry of Human Resource
Development, Department of School Education and Literacy invites applications in
prescribed format (annexure) from non-governmental organizations viz., Registered
Voluntary Societies, Public Trusts and Non-profit making Companies in existence for
three or more years from the date of publication of advertisement. for setting up State
Resource Centres (B Category) one each in Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra,
Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh. Category “B” State Resource Centre (SRC) is
provided an annual recurring grant not exceeding Rs. 70.00 lakhs for programme
expenditure, emoluments and office expenditure in the ratio of 45:45:10, respectively
under the Scheme of Support to Voluntary Agencies for Adult Education and Skill
Development. The Scheme shall be in operation till 31-03-2012 unless decided
otherwise by the Government of India. The grant of financial assistance is subject to
the guidelines of the scheme and instructions issued by the Government of India from
time to time. National Literacy Mission Authority retains the right to decide location
of SRC in the State and to set criteria and procedure for screening/shortlisting of
applications and reject any application, withdraw the proposal to set up the State
Resource Centre or change the guidelines at any time without any notice in this
2. State Resource Centres are mandated to provide academic and technical
resource support to adult and continuing education through development and
production of material and training modules. In addition State Resource Centres
would be required to conduct motivational and environmental building action research
and evaluation, monitoring and such other activities as may be assigned from time to
time by the National Literacy Mission Authority (NLMA). Details of the Scheme of
Support to Voluntary Agencies for Adult Education and Skill Development could be
obtained from the website of the Ministry at
3. Application complete in all respects may be sent to the Under Secretary
(NLM-3), National Literacy Mission Authority, Ministry of Human Resource
Development, Department of School Education and Literacy, Room No. 403’C’
Wing, Fourth Floor, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi-110001 in the prescribed format
within forty five days from the date of publication of the advertisement by Registered
Post/Speed Post (not by hand or courier). A copy of the proposal may also be sent to
Education Secretary dealing with Adult Education of the concerned state government
for onward transmission to this Ministry with the comments of the State Government
on the proposal including capability & credential of the Non-government
Organisation (NGO). Those who have submitted their proposals earlier are required to
submit a fresh proposal in response to the Advertisement.
Annexure- B
1. Name of the Voluntary Agency
2. Post Address of the Voluntary Agency
2.1 District and State/U.T. where situated ………………………………..
3. Contact Person: (name) ………………………………………………..
3.1 Telephone ……………………..(O) ………………………… (R)----------
Mobile ………………….
Fax No. …………………… Telex………………. Gram
E. Mail.
4. Nature of Voluntary Agency
(i) Public Trust
(ii) Association
(iii) Non Profit Organisation
(iv) Others
5. i) Registration Number & date ……………………………………
ii) Year of Registration (iii) Validity of Registration Certificate:
6. Whether All India Organisation Yes or No
If yes, please furnish information as per guidelines
7. (a) Does the organization have any previous experience in adult
literacy work?
(b) If yes, was any grant sanctioned from Government of India?
(c) If yes, give details as shown below:
No. and
Area of
i. Block
ii. No. of
iii. No. of
No. of Adult
Centre, if
Period of
sent or
8. Whether the office of the organization is located in own building or
rented building? Please indicate the accommodation available.
9. If the headquarters of the voluntary agency is far away from the
proposed project area, complete address of the place where the suboffice
or branch office will be located in the proposed project area.
10. Please attach detailed project proposal indicating all relevant details
for setting up State Resource Centre in state separately.
11. List of documents to be attached:
(a) Attested copy of Registration Certificate
(b) Copy of Memorandum of Association
(c) Copy of Articles of Association
(d) List of members of Governing Body with address and occupation
(e) Audited account for the last three years namely receipt &
payment Account and Income & Expenditure Account.
(f) Copy of latest Balance Sheet
(g) Copy of latest Annual Report
(h) Proceedings of Board of Management/Executive Committee
during the preceding year.
12. Brief History of the Agency, list objective and activities
13. Brief summary of the activities taken up and the results achieved
during previous year.
14. Annual turn over (in Rs/lakhs) in each of last 3 years (as per statement
of Income & Expenditure of Audited Accounts of the organisation)
15. Additional papers/information, if any in support of application.
Certified that information furnished is correct to the best of my knowledge.
Signature of the Authorised Signatory
Of the Voluntary Agency
Place …………………
Date ………………….
Sunday, 12 June 2011
National Medicinal Plants Board Projects
National Medicinal Plants Board Projects
Monday, 6 June 2011
Date………………Refer by………………………Ph……………………..File No…...…….
Benefits: -
12A Registration means Income of the society shall not be taxable. This is ONE time registration.
80G Registration means Donar can claim exemption. This is periodic registration.
Benefits in taking grants from Govt./Abroad/ other Agencies.
Benefit in FCRA registration.
FORM—10A for u/s 12A registration
FORM—10G for u/s 80G registration
RC and MOA / Trust Deed (two copy – signed and stamped)
NOC from Landlord
PAN copy
Electricity Bill / House tax Receipt / Water Bill photocopy
Evidence welfare activities carried out & Progress Report since inception.
Books of Accounts & ITR, if any, since inception
Original RC and MOA / Trust Deed- at the time of registration
Details for 12A & 80G REGISTRATION
NGO’s Name M/s……………………………………………………………….……………..
Regd. Address………………………………………………………….………………………
President/Secretary’s Name………………………………………………………………….
Tel. No (M)………………………..…………….…(O)………….………….(R)………………
Landlord’s name………………………….…………...S/o……………….……..…………...
Rent Rs……or Free
Benefits: -
12A Registration means Income of the society shall not be taxable. This is ONE time registration.
80G Registration means Donar can claim exemption. This is periodic registration.
Benefits in taking grants from Govt./Abroad/ other Agencies.
Benefit in FCRA registration.
FORM—10A for u/s 12A registration
FORM—10G for u/s 80G registration
RC and MOA / Trust Deed (two copy – signed and stamped)
NOC from Landlord
PAN copy
Electricity Bill / House tax Receipt / Water Bill photocopy
Evidence welfare activities carried out & Progress Report since inception.
Books of Accounts & ITR, if any, since inception
Original RC and MOA / Trust Deed- at the time of registration
Details for 12A & 80G REGISTRATION
NGO’s Name M/s……………………………………………………………….……………..
Regd. Address………………………………………………………….………………………
President/Secretary’s Name………………………………………………………………….
Tel. No (M)………………………..…………….…(O)………….………….(R)………………
Landlord’s name………………………….…………...S/o……………….……..…………...
Rent Rs……or Free
Date………………Refer by………………………Ph……………………..File No…...…….
Benefits: -
12A Registration means Income of the society shall not be taxable. This is ONE time registration.
80G Registration means Donar can claim exemption. This is periodic registration.
Benefits in taking grants from Govt./Abroad/ other Agencies.
Benefit in FCRA registration.
FORM—10A for u/s 12A registration
FORM—10G for u/s 80G registration
RC and MOA / Trust Deed (two copy – signed and stamped)
NOC from Landlord
PAN copy
Electricity Bill / House tax Receipt / Water Bill photocopy
Evidence welfare activities carried out & Progress Report since inception.
Books of Accounts & ITR, if any, since inception
Original RC and MOA / Trust Deed- at the time of registration
Details for 12A & 80G REGISTRATION
NGO’s Name M/s……………………………………………………………….……………..
Regd. Address………………………………………………………….………………………
President/Secretary’s Name………………………………………………………………….
Tel. No (M)………………………..…………….…(O)………….………….(R)………………
Landlord’s name………………………….…………...S/o……………….……..…………...
R/o………………….………………………………...…Pin……….……Rent Rs……or Free
Benefits: -
12A Registration means Income of the society shall not be taxable. This is ONE time registration.
80G Registration means Donar can claim exemption. This is periodic registration.
Benefits in taking grants from Govt./Abroad/ other Agencies.
Benefit in FCRA registration.
FORM—10A for u/s 12A registration
FORM—10G for u/s 80G registration
RC and MOA / Trust Deed (two copy – signed and stamped)
NOC from Landlord
PAN copy
Electricity Bill / House tax Receipt / Water Bill photocopy
Evidence welfare activities carried out & Progress Report since inception.
Books of Accounts & ITR, if any, since inception
Original RC and MOA / Trust Deed- at the time of registration
Details for 12A & 80G REGISTRATION
NGO’s Name M/s……………………………………………………………….……………..
Regd. Address………………………………………………………….………………………
President/Secretary’s Name………………………………………………………………….
Tel. No (M)………………………..…………….…(O)………….………….(R)………………
Landlord’s name………………………….…………...S/o……………….……..…………...
R/o………………….………………………………...…Pin……….……Rent Rs……or Free
Difference between Trust and Society
Difference between Trust and Society
S. No. Basis of Difference Trust Society
1. Registration under Indian Trust Act, 1882 Societies Registration Act, 1860
2. Minimum Members Two Seven
3. Area of Activities All over India,
Without mentioning in Deed
Separate registration for
All India level (8- different states members required)
4. Nature of control One man control, i.e. SETTLER
Democracy system
5. Possibility of amendment
Easy, by a supplementary Trust Deed Difficult, amendment in MOA and R&R both.
Name Availability Easily available Difficulty in availability
Bank a/c operation One person, Settler Two persons, either President or Secretary and Treasurer
Holding of office Trustees generally hold
office for whole life hold office for period of time
and may stand for re-election
Winding-up Trust is generally irrevocable,
Can not be wound-up. wound up if 3/5th
of the members, so desire
Family Members Can become trustee Objection in becoming members of the Governing Body
Examples Mother Teresa Charitable trust
Amar Jyoti Charitable Trust
Trade Associations
Govern by Board of Trustee Governing Body
Main Instruments Trust Deed Memorandum Of Association &
Rules and regulation
11. Objects General objectives Specific objectives -prescribed
Eligible for Income Tax Exemption after Registration u/s 12A & 80G
Eligible for receiving Foreign Contribution after Registration under FCRA
Eligible for receiving Govt. grants and benefits
Profits shall not be distributed to the Trustee/ Members
S. No. Basis of Difference Trust Society
1. Registration under Indian Trust Act, 1882 Societies Registration Act, 1860
2. Minimum Members Two Seven
3. Area of Activities All over India,
Without mentioning in Deed
Separate registration for
All India level (8- different states members required)
4. Nature of control One man control, i.e. SETTLER
Democracy system
5. Possibility of amendment
Easy, by a supplementary Trust Deed Difficult, amendment in MOA and R&R both.
Name Availability Easily available Difficulty in availability
Bank a/c operation One person, Settler Two persons, either President or Secretary and Treasurer
Holding of office Trustees generally hold
office for whole life hold office for period of time
and may stand for re-election
Winding-up Trust is generally irrevocable,
Can not be wound-up. wound up if 3/5th
of the members, so desire
Family Members Can become trustee Objection in becoming members of the Governing Body
Examples Mother Teresa Charitable trust
Amar Jyoti Charitable Trust
Trade Associations
Govern by Board of Trustee Governing Body
Main Instruments Trust Deed Memorandum Of Association &
Rules and regulation
11. Objects General objectives Specific objectives -prescribed
Eligible for Income Tax Exemption after Registration u/s 12A & 80G
Eligible for receiving Foreign Contribution after Registration under FCRA
Eligible for receiving Govt. grants and benefits
Profits shall not be distributed to the Trustee/ Members
TRUST Registration
TRUST/(NGO) Registration
Regd under Trust act, use the word “Govt. Regd.” or ‘Regd’
For opening School / Trust
For Computer Education where certificate is to be given
Income Tax Benefit
Recognition/Affiliation from any University / Organization
Grant from Govt.
Land from Govt.
80G certificate benefit under Income Tax Act
White capital for Building construction
Expenditure made on Registration of Trust is an Investment
Benefits in Entertainment Tax
Benefits in Service Tax
Two photos of each Trustee
Address Proof- Voter I.D / DL / Passport of the SETTLER
Power of Attorney of the premises where trust is to be registered
Elec. Bill / House tax Receipt / Water Bill photocopy
If rented, Rent deed and Rent receipt
NOC from Landlord
Physical presence of Settler/all (at the time registration) with original ID
Two witness with original ID proof (at the time registration)
Date…………Refer by……………..………Ph……………………..File No……………….
1. Trust Name: ……………………………………..………………………………...........
2. Registered Office: (Delhi address)
3. Objects:…………………………………………………………………..……………
4. E-mail…………………………………………...Tel/Mob………………………………
5. SETTLER & Trustee Details
(1) Name…….……………………………………..………………………………SETTLER
Residence Address………...………………………………………………..………….…..
ID Proof –PAN/DL/Voter ID No……………………………………………………………
(2) Name…….……………………………………………...………..…….. ………...Trustee
S/O, W/O………….……….………………………………………………….……………...
Residence Address………...………………………………..………………………….…..
ID Proof –PAN/DL/Voter ID No……………………………………………………………
Note: For more than two trustee, use separate sheet
6. Landlord Name…………………………………S/o…………………..…………..…
Regd under Trust act, use the word “Govt. Regd.” or ‘Regd’
For opening School / Trust
For Computer Education where certificate is to be given
Income Tax Benefit
Recognition/Affiliation from any University / Organization
Grant from Govt.
Land from Govt.
80G certificate benefit under Income Tax Act
White capital for Building construction
Expenditure made on Registration of Trust is an Investment
Benefits in Entertainment Tax
Benefits in Service Tax
Two photos of each Trustee
Address Proof- Voter I.D / DL / Passport of the SETTLER
Power of Attorney of the premises where trust is to be registered
Elec. Bill / House tax Receipt / Water Bill photocopy
If rented, Rent deed and Rent receipt
NOC from Landlord
Physical presence of Settler/all (at the time registration) with original ID
Two witness with original ID proof (at the time registration)
Date…………Refer by……………..………Ph……………………..File No……………….
1. Trust Name: ……………………………………..………………………………...........
2. Registered Office: (Delhi address)
3. Objects:…………………………………………………………………..……………
4. E-mail…………………………………………...Tel/Mob………………………………
5. SETTLER & Trustee Details
(1) Name…….……………………………………..………………………………SETTLER
Residence Address………...………………………………………………..………….…..
ID Proof –PAN/DL/Voter ID No……………………………………………………………
(2) Name…….……………………………………………...………..…….. ………...Trustee
S/O, W/O………….……….………………………………………………….……………...
Residence Address………...………………………………..………………………….…..
ID Proof –PAN/DL/Voter ID No……………………………………………………………
Note: For more than two trustee, use separate sheet
6. Landlord Name…………………………………S/o…………………..…………..…
Society Registration
Society/ TRUST/(NGO) Registration
Regd under “Govt. of N.C.T of Delhi”/ “Govt. Regd.”
For opening School / Trust
Regd Society has more value than unregistered Society
For Computer Education where certificate is to be given
Name Benefit
Income Tax Benefit
Recognition/Affiliation from any University / Organisation
Grant from Govt.
Land from Govt.
80G certificate benefit under Income Tax Act
White capital for Building construction
Expenditure made on Society is an Investment
Benefits in Entertainment Tax
Benefits in Service Tax
Name 4-5 of the proposed society
Minimum 7 Persons-
* President
Vice President
* Secretary
Joint Secretary
Executive Member
Executive Member
Name, Address, Age, Occupation, Father’s Name
Address Proof- Voter I.D / Driving license/ Passport
Power of Attorney of the premises where society is to be registered
Electricity Bill / House tax Receipt / Water Bill photocopy
If rented, Rent deed and Rent receipt
NOC from Landlord on Rs.10/- stamp paper
(No inspection, No original documents, No personal presentation, No cuttings in objects)
1. Proposed Society Names:
2. Registered Office Address: (Delhi address)
3. Objects:…………………………………………………………………..……………
4. E-mail…………………………………………...Tel……………………...………….
5. Members details
(1) Name…….……………………………………..….*Occupation….…….……..…………..
Residence Address………...………………………………………………..………….…..
Designation…………………… PAN …………………….. ID Proof …………....……….
Cell ...…………………...Phone…………………….Signature……………….………….
(2) Name…….……………………………………..….*Occupation………..…..……………..
S/O, W/O………….……….………………………………………………….……………...
Residence Address………...………………………………..………………………….…..
Designation…………………… PAN ………………….…….. ID Proof ……......……….
Cell ……………………...Phone…………………….Signature………..………..……….
(3) Name…….……………………………………..….*Occupation….…..……………….…..
S/O, W/O………….……….………………………………………………………..............
Residence Address………...…………………………………………………….…………
Designation…………………… PAN …………………….. ID Proof ……...……………..
Cell ……………………...Phone…………………….Signature………..…………………
(4) Name…….……………………………………..….*Occupation….…..……………………
S/O, W/O………….……….………………………………………………………..............
Residence Address………...…………………………………………………….…………
Designation…………………… PAN …………………….. ID Proof ……...……………..
Cell ……………………...Phone…………………….Signature………..………………….
(5) Name…….……………………………………..….*Occupation….…..…...……..………..
S/O, W/O………….……….…………………………………………………….…………...
Residence Address………...………………………………………………….……….…..
Designation…………………… PAN …………………….. ID Proof ……….…...……….
Cell ……………………...Phone…………………….Signature…………...…..…………….
(6) Name…….……………………………………..….*Occupation………..…..……………..
S/O, W/O………….……….………………………………….……………………………...
Residence Address………...……………………………..…………………………….…..
Designation…………………… PAN ……….……………….. ID Proof ………...……….
Cell ……………………...Phone………………………….Signature………..…………….
(7) Name…….……………………………………..….*Occupation….…….…..……………..
S/O, W/O………….……….……………………………………….………………………...
Residence Address………...………………………………………..………………….…..
Designation…………………… PAN …………………….. ID Proof ……….…...……….
Cell ……………………...Phone…………………….Signature……………..…………….
*Occupation may be taken as Social Worker / Teacher / Business / Housewife
6. Landlord Name…………………………………S/o…………………..…………..…
Saturday, 4 June 2011
Funding Proposal Writing,
We are involved in sharing important information and current policy initiatives in the development sector for strengthening
the efforts of all such organizations and NGO's who are involved in development activities.
Ngosamachar works under name of a registered society Society For Services located at New Delhi ( India ).
We provide the following services to NGO’S:
1) Project reports – We prepare the project reports for central govt. schemes, foreign funding agencies & industries. if you
want project reports, Please contact us.
2) Consultancy Services - We provide consultancy services to N.G.O.’s and industries as per your requirements.
3) Database - We provide entire data regarding N.G.O.’s schemes in central govt. schemes in central govt. ministries ¢ral
govt. departments. Please contact us.
4) Liasioning – We provide liasioning services to N.G.O.'s and industries as per your requirements.
5) Registration- We deal all registrations like society, Trust, 80 g , F.C.R.A. ,35 ac, 35 ac 1&2 etc.
6) service charges- We provide total service to N.G.O.’s like information providing, projects follow up, project reports
preparing etc. If you want membership, please contact us.
7) Website Designing- We provide website designing and development, domain name registration services & web hosting services
to NGOs and others at affordable rates. If you have any query related to these one then contact us.
Note: We don't interfere in any money matters, we provide service, we take only service charges.
NGO Samachar is a service provider not a funding agency.
We provide a resource of social expertise for the development of projects that are committed to social sustainability. Under
our wide spectrum of social advisory services we contribute in social planning, development of implementative mechanism and
supporting institutional functioning through pragmatic development approach. Our multifaceted professional exposure and
enrichment amply deliver convincing value added services in social assessment, social investment and social management
planning, developing and implementing process. Specifically, we offer the following services:
Funding Proposal Writing
Rural & Urban Development Planning
Poverty Study and Planning
Resettlement and Rehabilitation Planning
Indigenous People Development and Planning
Impact Assessment
Social Surveys and Development of Research Tools
Participatory Development Planning
Social Policy Analysis and Research
Social Audit
Community Driven Development (CDD) Planning
Gender Studies and Planning
Child Labor and Child Rights
Social Investment Strategy and Planning
Risk Assessment and Disaster Management
Microfinance and Small Enterprises Development
Community Natural Resources Management
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation
Health and Nutrition Studies
Corporative Social Responsibility (CSR) Planning
Project Monitoring and Evaluation
Capacity Assessment and Institutional Strengthening
Tourism Study and Planning
Market Research and Media Studie
Funding Proposal Writing
Arrangement of funding is a key task/area of NGOs working in any sector (Health, Education, Poverty, gender equality, human
rights etc.). Most NGOs do not have a capability to send their funding proposals to donor agencies due to the lack of
techniques & expertise.
Funding proposal writing is one of the most difficult tasks in NGOs sector. For this purpose, NGOs need to develop contacts
with professional proposal writing experts who specialize in the area of its proposed activity.
'The Funding Resolve', maintains an elaborate panel of experts who specialize in their respective fields and are aware of
donors' expectations. In addition,
'The Funding Resolve' keeps itself abreast of all the newly emerging tendencies and changing preferences of the donor
agencies and tries to couple the interest of the local NGOs with appropriate members of the donor community.
Rural & Urban Development Planning
We deliver wide spectrum of advisory services for rural and urban development and planning with integrated approach for
economic betterment of people as well as greater social transformation. Our service offerings in rural development and
planning area include:
Physical and social infrastructure planning
Livelihood restoration and planning
Planning, implementation and evaluation of poverty alleviation, infrastructure development and social security programs
Drinking water, housing and rural transport planning
Strengthening of rural and local administration, training & research, human resource development, development of
voluntary action etc. for the proper implementation of the programs
Sustainable planning for desert areas, drought prone areas
Planning for natural resource management
Our service offerings for urban development and planning cover consulting for social infrastructure, physical infrastructure
planning, demand and need assessment for various services and facilities etc. Our premium offerings include:
Planning and establishing alternative public transportation systems & pragmatic solution for traffic congestion, air
Developing resources, and protecting ecologically sensitive regions
Planning and study the effects of growth and change on community
Sheltering the homeless
Social planning of highways, airports, water and sewer lines, schools, libraries, and cultural and recreational sites
Study and forecasting future trends in employment, housing, transportation, population and migration
Urban poverty studies and planning
Poverty Study and Planning
We offer advisory services for study of key poverty issues, poverty measurement, monitoring, analysis, and preparation of
poverty reduction strategies for developing communities. The specific services under poverty study and planning include:
Preparation of poverty reduction strategies
Planning pro-poor growth & equality
Poverty analysis
Planning for implementation of poverty alleviation project and schemes
Monitoring and evaluation of poverty related projects and schemes
Poverty and social impact assessment
Poverty and health impact assessment
Resettlement and Rehabilitation Planning
Most of the infrastructure development projects cause certain unavoidable temporary human and property losses in the form of
displacement or hindrances to their existing socio- economic conditions. Our pool of experts in the social development
advisory do provide sustainable social planning to mitigate this type of losses from the planning stage till the
implementation and as well as monitoring the impact in the post implementation period. We provide R&R advisory services in
various sectors like Road, Energy, Aviation, Port, Urban Infrastructure and, Housing etc covering wide range of cliental
groups. The prime focus and thrush of our services include the following:
Resettlement impact assessment
Development of plan for suitable mitigation measures
Preparation of resettlement action plan for the project affected people
Preparation of Land acquisition plans
Indigenous people's development plan
Suggesting income restoration measures
Institutional strengthening of R&R institutions
Indigenous People Development and Planning
Indigenous people/ native tribal people are always vulnerable to any change which affects their socio-cultural identity,
dignity and economic status. We provide advisory services for Indigenous Peoples' development planning in a manner which
ensures that the development process fosters full respect for the dignity, human rights and uniqueness of Indigenous People.
We deliver the following:
Identification of indigenous people
Assessment of indigenous people's issues
Indigenous people development planning
Title process management
Native title research and analysis
Impact Assessment
We deliver wide range of impact assessments including social impact assessment for developmental projects, plans, schemes and
programs related to various sectors. Major Service offerings in this area include the following:
Social impact assessment
Poverty impact assessment
Gender impact assessment
Health impact assessment
Disasters and risk impact assessment
Government policy impact assessment
Social Surveys and Development of Research Tools
With our rich academic and consulting expertise and experiences, we deliver a variety of social surveys using contemporary
and innovative research methodologies and research tools. Our service offering include:
Formulation of appropriate methodologies for social research and analysis
Development of tools for social surveys and research
Execution of social surveys and research projects
Quantitative and qualitative research analysis
Participatory Development Planning
With credible exposure and experience in participatory development planning, we analyze community problems or opportunities
from within a village, cooperative or group and suggest sustainable local development plans and mechanisms. Our participatory
planning approach includes:
Conducting an external appraisal of current development trends and opportunities
Conducting an internal appraisal of institutional, financial and resource availability
Assessment and analysis of the planning options
Planning of organization's development objectives
Prioritization of development options to make a strategic plan of action
Social Policy Analysis and Research
With our in house capabilities and wide academic and institutional network we have created an enabling environment for
various social policies analysis and social research across the disciplines and different subject areas of the humanity
faculty. Our advisory services on social policy analysis and research include:
Labor market, family and community change
Social exclusion
New social divisions (class, gender and other dimensions) and inequalities
Attitudes, behavior and needs and individual decision-making
The delivery of welfare policies and programs
Patterns of risk and social protection in welfare
Criminal justice policy
The impact of social policy on incomes, opportunities and well being
International social policy and cross-national comparison
Social Audit
We have been assisting various government and private organizations and agencies to assess and demonstrate their social,
community and environmental benefits and limitations. Our social audit extended to auditing schemes and programs being
implemented in various social development and service involving generating credible user feedback on a variety of qualitative
and quantitative indicators of service delivery like access, usage, quality & reliability, costs and satisfaction etc.
Community Driven Development (CDD) Planning
With our proficient professional and research group, we assist in planning of community-driven development (CDD) by
formulating policy and development framework to give control of decisions and resources to community groups. Our advisory
services to CDD includes planning and development of community institutions, community mobilization, community consultation,
strengthening and finance planning for community institutions, orienting community access to information, and planning &
developing an enabling environment etc.
Gender Studies and Planning
We undertake gender studies and analysis as a practical tool for examining activities, problems, knowledge, and access to
natural resources of both women and men, clarifying where they differ and where they are complementary. We also design,
co-ordinate and supervise projects on the impact of economic reforms on various dimensions of gender-based inequality. Our
development planning emphasizes women empowerment through developing mechanism for women to participate in project planning
and decision making etc in development projects. Our integrated approach of gender impact assessment includes:
Respective levels of representation and participation in decision-making
Effective access to resources and effective distribution of these resources
Norms and values that influence roles, attitudes, behaviors and others' expectations
Rights, freedoms and access to justice
Role of women in natural resource management
Child Labor and Child Rights
We assist in assessment of child labor problem in various sectors and contribute in child labor campaigning projects in Asia
particularly in Pakistan. Our professionals have acquired extensive expertise in dealing with labor laws and national and
international child rights and conventions etc. We offer planning and implementation of child labor rehabilitation projects
with integrated approach of their wellbeing.
Social Investment Strategy and Planning
Our approach to social investment strategy focuses on helping various entities to determine both where and how to invest to
maximize social and economic value. Our social investment advisory services include social investment strategy and planning,
assessment of impact of community development programs and delivering community development/social capital programs
/projects. The specific areas are:
Assessment of social investment portfolio and corporate assets
Assessing the competitive constraints that could be addressed through social investment
Developing a social investment management system
Strategic planning for social investment
New social investment startup strategy
Investment strategy for civic bodies
Public private partnership
Risk Assessment and Disaster Management
We assist individuals, households and communities in dealing with diverse risks to steer sustained economic and social
development and combat unproductive coping strategies. We provide wider scope of socio-economic risk and vulnerability
assessment including deprivation from basic social and economic infrastructures leading to poor health, unemployment, poverty
etc. Our strategic management planning covers sustainable labor market, social insurance, and social assistance policies etc.
With the help of multidisciplinary professionals and planning approach, we design, implement and provide training for
emergency/disaster management solutions to drought, cyclones, floods etc by comprehensive hazard identification, risk
assessment and impact analysis, mitigation strategies, emergency response procedures, and community recovery plans etc.
Microfinance and Small Enterprises Development
Our proficient social and economic development expertise are amply capable of providing advisory services to micro
enterprises, self employment activities and household enterprises for achieving social and economic development. We assist in
raising the ability of the self-employed and rural poor to sustain the economic activities essential to their survival. At
this front, we offer development and formulation of fundamental policy, legal and regulatory framework to allow micro level
financial institutions to develop and operate effectively and capacity assessment and institutional strengthening including
imparting training for their sustainable operations.
Community Natural Resources Management
For community natural resources management, we offer wide range of advisory services with our interdisciplinary approach. We
plan and develop sustainable resource management through improved system suggesting user-friendly and state of the art
technology. Our integrated approaches to natural resource like land and water resources management includes poverty
reduction, food security strengthening and developing enabling environment and to promote national, regional, and global
capacities to combat desertification and restore degraded lands.
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation
Through our enriched professional experiences we deliver people oriented decentralized, demand driven and community based
water supply and sanitation programs for the rural areas. We carry out situational analysis of rural areas, need and demand
assessment for water and sanitation and plan integrated water resource management system such as rain water harvesting and
treatment. Our planning approach envisages sustainable water management for poverty reduction and economic growth in
developing communities.
Health and Nutrition Studies
We do health impact assessment, monitoring and evaluation of community health schemes and projects, impact evaluation of
health schemes and projects on HIV/AIDs, immunization programs etc. We also offer Child Nutrition Studies, Reproductive Child
Health (RCH) Studies, Food Distribution Studies, Food Security Studies, Nutrition Education Studies and Special Supplemental
Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) studies etc.
Corporative Social Responsibility (CSR) Planning
The present day society has started witnessing the relationship between the profit motive business activities and its impact
on the society and environment which is being realized as a part and parcel for the overall business model. Issues like
environmental damage, human cost, rootless-ness due to displacement, improper treatment of workers, and faulty production
leading to social inconvenience or environmental danger, are major concerns.
We provide strategic advice to companies in various sectors like financial, property, automotive, oil and gas, power,
manufacturing and corporate communications with strategic advice on how to identify, access and manage their social,
environmental and ethical responsibilities. This advice enables companies to understand the key drivers in their sector,
report on performance to their stakeholders and gain business benefit. Our main offerings in this area include:
Formulation of new corporate social planning and policy
Assessment of the existing CSR policies and suggest the due diligence plan on how the existing CSR can be aligned with
other development activities
Baseline CSR reviews and business case development
Social and ethical benchmarking
Strategic action planning systems
Corporate environmental and social reporting
Mechanism for proper implementation of the CSR policy
Project Monitoring and Evaluation
We deliver advisory services for monitoring and evaluation of multispectral development projects, schemes or programs. The
specific areas of our service include monitoring and evaluation of:
Health and nutrition projects and schemes
Education projects and programs
Resettlement plan and project implementation
Community development projects and schemes
Livelihood projects and programs
Poverty alleviation project and schemes, Planning for natural resource management
Capacity Assessment and Institutional Strengthening
Our diversified professionals with interdisciplinary work approach do capacity assessment including organizational strength,
working environment and organization's management practices such as values and ethics, risk management, integrated
performance information, stewardship, leadership, human resources and accountability etc.
Our capacity development exercise accompanied with training, education and technology transfer gives special attention to the
environment in which people apply their skills. We serve not only for public sector management but also extend to
strengthening of civil institutions and investments in social capital. Our integrated approach to institutional strengthening
involves building or improving the co-ordination of national and local government institutions, private entities, and
nongovernmental organizations to deliver comprehensive programs to prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters.
Tourism Study and Planning
The dramatic growth of tourism worldwide and its impact on socio-economic development is one of the most remarkable phenomena
of this period. Tourism, as an industry, needs proper planning and strategy for its growth. Our team of experienced
professionals specializes in consulting and research in hospitality marketing, tourism planning, travel research, tourist
demographics, visitor conversion studies, and destination marketing. The broad service areas are situational analysis,
strategic planning, implementation planning and monitoring performances. Specific services provided are:
Tourism master planning
Market and economic feasibility studies
Asset evaluation, strategy development and implementation
Tourism development strategies and regional tourism plans
Perception, opinion, demand and satisfaction studies of the tourists
Impact assessment studies
Economic impact studies
Infrastructure planning and its evaluation
Inventory of tourism assets
Market Research and Media Studies
We offer a wide range of market research and media studies for the competitive market and multifaceted consumer world. Our
advisory services in this area include:
Market trends studies to identify current and emerging trends within society, including product usage, brand purchasing
habits, shifts in product usage and other important issues facing the industry.
Benchmark surveys of products and service's prospects, attitudes and opinions before and after an advertisement campaign
to measure how well the advertising is meeting its objectives.
Brand awareness and preference to explore the position of company, as well as your competitors' positions in the market,
and presents new ideas on how to improve product acceptance.
Inquiry follow-up study to demonstrate the effectiveness of advertising program and sales-lead tracking system by
surveying prospects who have responded to the advertisement.
Advertisement evaluation to measure prospects' perceptions and opinions of existing advertisement, or variations in copy
or graphics being considered for a new ad campaign.
New product development to determine customers' and prospects' unfulfilled needs and aids in the development and
introduction of new product into the market.
Consumer profile studies provide detailed information about consumer habit in purchasing, product usage, paying capacity,
purchasing influence and strength etc.
Product usage/application studies provide detailed information on a specific product, including who is currently using
the product, when and why they are using it, and for what applications.
Pre election opinion pool and exit poll surveys.
Our Expertise
For Non-Profit Sector:
We provide a range of services to enable NGOs to realize their mission using modern practices and tools. Modern NGOs are
expected to have a professional and efficient approach towards management and in the execution of their operations to achieve
their valued mission. In the role of an NGO Consultant, "The Funding Resolve' works to enable NGOs to realize their
respective missions by making use of modern tools and techniques. We help NGOs to develop their organizational strategies and
management systems, to train their manpower and to strengthen their systems for efficient monitoring and evaluation of their
funded projects and activities, to manage their staff relationships, to augment their communication skills, to inculcate a
spirit of team-working in their ranks with a view to better project management.
For Setting Up a Non-Profit & Non-Government Organization:
'The Funding Resolve' can help you set up an NGO in accordance with the benchmarks laid down by International donor
community. We can discuss with you the areas of your interest, the targets you wish to achieve in a community etc., and
advise you on the required legal formalities.
An NGO should have clear idea of its geographical area of work and its membership. It helps for NGOs to have a written
mission statement, and a project plan with timing and details about how the projects will be carried out.
For Managing a Non-Government & Non-Profit Organizations:
The Funding Resolve' provides a range of services for effective management of an NGO. Towards this end it helps to give
A clear mission statement which is understood and agreed by all staff and volunteers.
A management structure with clear understanding and acceptance of each person's role and responsibilities.
Detailed project plans (so that everyone knows what is to be done and when).
Co-operation of management and staff in carrying out the NGO's work.
Effective safety procedures for field work to protect staff, volunteers and service users.
For Arrangement of Funding:
Arrangement of funding is a key task/area of NGOs working in any sector (Health, Education, Poverty, gender equality, human
rights etc.). Most NGOs do not have a capability to send their funding proposals to donor agencies due to the lack of
techniques & expertise.
Funding proposal writing is one of the most difficult tasks in NGOs sector. For this purpose, NGOs need to develop contacts
with professional proposal writing experts who specialize in the area of its proposed activity.
'The Funding Resolve', maintains an elaborate panel of experts who specialize in their respective fields and are aware of
donors' expectations. In addition, 'The Funding Resolve' keeps itself abreast of all the newly emerging tendencies and
changing preferences of the donor agencies and tries to couple the interest of the local NGOs with appropriate members of the
donor community.
We are involved in sharing important information and current policy initiatives in the development sector for strengthening
the efforts of all such organizations and NGO's who are involved in development activities.
Ngosamachar works under name of a registered society Society For Services located at New Delhi ( India ).
We provide the following services to NGO’S:
1) Project reports – We prepare the project reports for central govt. schemes, foreign funding agencies & industries. if you
want project reports, Please contact us.
2) Consultancy Services - We provide consultancy services to N.G.O.’s and industries as per your requirements.
3) Database - We provide entire data regarding N.G.O.’s schemes in central govt. schemes in central govt. ministries ¢ral
govt. departments. Please contact us.
4) Liasioning – We provide liasioning services to N.G.O.'s and industries as per your requirements.
5) Registration- We deal all registrations like society, Trust, 80 g , F.C.R.A. ,35 ac, 35 ac 1&2 etc.
6) service charges- We provide total service to N.G.O.’s like information providing, projects follow up, project reports
preparing etc. If you want membership, please contact us.
7) Website Designing- We provide website designing and development, domain name registration services & web hosting services
to NGOs and others at affordable rates. If you have any query related to these one then contact us.
Note: We don't interfere in any money matters, we provide service, we take only service charges.
NGO Samachar is a service provider not a funding agency.
We provide a resource of social expertise for the development of projects that are committed to social sustainability. Under
our wide spectrum of social advisory services we contribute in social planning, development of implementative mechanism and
supporting institutional functioning through pragmatic development approach. Our multifaceted professional exposure and
enrichment amply deliver convincing value added services in social assessment, social investment and social management
planning, developing and implementing process. Specifically, we offer the following services:
Funding Proposal Writing
Rural & Urban Development Planning
Poverty Study and Planning
Resettlement and Rehabilitation Planning
Indigenous People Development and Planning
Impact Assessment
Social Surveys and Development of Research Tools
Participatory Development Planning
Social Policy Analysis and Research
Social Audit
Community Driven Development (CDD) Planning
Gender Studies and Planning
Child Labor and Child Rights
Social Investment Strategy and Planning
Risk Assessment and Disaster Management
Microfinance and Small Enterprises Development
Community Natural Resources Management
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation
Health and Nutrition Studies
Corporative Social Responsibility (CSR) Planning
Project Monitoring and Evaluation
Capacity Assessment and Institutional Strengthening
Tourism Study and Planning
Market Research and Media Studie
Funding Proposal Writing
Arrangement of funding is a key task/area of NGOs working in any sector (Health, Education, Poverty, gender equality, human
rights etc.). Most NGOs do not have a capability to send their funding proposals to donor agencies due to the lack of
techniques & expertise.
Funding proposal writing is one of the most difficult tasks in NGOs sector. For this purpose, NGOs need to develop contacts
with professional proposal writing experts who specialize in the area of its proposed activity.
'The Funding Resolve', maintains an elaborate panel of experts who specialize in their respective fields and are aware of
donors' expectations. In addition,
'The Funding Resolve' keeps itself abreast of all the newly emerging tendencies and changing preferences of the donor
agencies and tries to couple the interest of the local NGOs with appropriate members of the donor community.
Rural & Urban Development Planning
We deliver wide spectrum of advisory services for rural and urban development and planning with integrated approach for
economic betterment of people as well as greater social transformation. Our service offerings in rural development and
planning area include:
Physical and social infrastructure planning
Livelihood restoration and planning
Planning, implementation and evaluation of poverty alleviation, infrastructure development and social security programs
Drinking water, housing and rural transport planning
Strengthening of rural and local administration, training & research, human resource development, development of
voluntary action etc. for the proper implementation of the programs
Sustainable planning for desert areas, drought prone areas
Planning for natural resource management
Our service offerings for urban development and planning cover consulting for social infrastructure, physical infrastructure
planning, demand and need assessment for various services and facilities etc. Our premium offerings include:
Planning and establishing alternative public transportation systems & pragmatic solution for traffic congestion, air
Developing resources, and protecting ecologically sensitive regions
Planning and study the effects of growth and change on community
Sheltering the homeless
Social planning of highways, airports, water and sewer lines, schools, libraries, and cultural and recreational sites
Study and forecasting future trends in employment, housing, transportation, population and migration
Urban poverty studies and planning
Poverty Study and Planning
We offer advisory services for study of key poverty issues, poverty measurement, monitoring, analysis, and preparation of
poverty reduction strategies for developing communities. The specific services under poverty study and planning include:
Preparation of poverty reduction strategies
Planning pro-poor growth & equality
Poverty analysis
Planning for implementation of poverty alleviation project and schemes
Monitoring and evaluation of poverty related projects and schemes
Poverty and social impact assessment
Poverty and health impact assessment
Resettlement and Rehabilitation Planning
Most of the infrastructure development projects cause certain unavoidable temporary human and property losses in the form of
displacement or hindrances to their existing socio- economic conditions. Our pool of experts in the social development
advisory do provide sustainable social planning to mitigate this type of losses from the planning stage till the
implementation and as well as monitoring the impact in the post implementation period. We provide R&R advisory services in
various sectors like Road, Energy, Aviation, Port, Urban Infrastructure and, Housing etc covering wide range of cliental
groups. The prime focus and thrush of our services include the following:
Resettlement impact assessment
Development of plan for suitable mitigation measures
Preparation of resettlement action plan for the project affected people
Preparation of Land acquisition plans
Indigenous people's development plan
Suggesting income restoration measures
Institutional strengthening of R&R institutions
Indigenous People Development and Planning
Indigenous people/ native tribal people are always vulnerable to any change which affects their socio-cultural identity,
dignity and economic status. We provide advisory services for Indigenous Peoples' development planning in a manner which
ensures that the development process fosters full respect for the dignity, human rights and uniqueness of Indigenous People.
We deliver the following:
Identification of indigenous people
Assessment of indigenous people's issues
Indigenous people development planning
Title process management
Native title research and analysis
Impact Assessment
We deliver wide range of impact assessments including social impact assessment for developmental projects, plans, schemes and
programs related to various sectors. Major Service offerings in this area include the following:
Social impact assessment
Poverty impact assessment
Gender impact assessment
Health impact assessment
Disasters and risk impact assessment
Government policy impact assessment
Social Surveys and Development of Research Tools
With our rich academic and consulting expertise and experiences, we deliver a variety of social surveys using contemporary
and innovative research methodologies and research tools. Our service offering include:
Formulation of appropriate methodologies for social research and analysis
Development of tools for social surveys and research
Execution of social surveys and research projects
Quantitative and qualitative research analysis
Participatory Development Planning
With credible exposure and experience in participatory development planning, we analyze community problems or opportunities
from within a village, cooperative or group and suggest sustainable local development plans and mechanisms. Our participatory
planning approach includes:
Conducting an external appraisal of current development trends and opportunities
Conducting an internal appraisal of institutional, financial and resource availability
Assessment and analysis of the planning options
Planning of organization's development objectives
Prioritization of development options to make a strategic plan of action
Social Policy Analysis and Research
With our in house capabilities and wide academic and institutional network we have created an enabling environment for
various social policies analysis and social research across the disciplines and different subject areas of the humanity
faculty. Our advisory services on social policy analysis and research include:
Labor market, family and community change
Social exclusion
New social divisions (class, gender and other dimensions) and inequalities
Attitudes, behavior and needs and individual decision-making
The delivery of welfare policies and programs
Patterns of risk and social protection in welfare
Criminal justice policy
The impact of social policy on incomes, opportunities and well being
International social policy and cross-national comparison
Social Audit
We have been assisting various government and private organizations and agencies to assess and demonstrate their social,
community and environmental benefits and limitations. Our social audit extended to auditing schemes and programs being
implemented in various social development and service involving generating credible user feedback on a variety of qualitative
and quantitative indicators of service delivery like access, usage, quality & reliability, costs and satisfaction etc.
Community Driven Development (CDD) Planning
With our proficient professional and research group, we assist in planning of community-driven development (CDD) by
formulating policy and development framework to give control of decisions and resources to community groups. Our advisory
services to CDD includes planning and development of community institutions, community mobilization, community consultation,
strengthening and finance planning for community institutions, orienting community access to information, and planning &
developing an enabling environment etc.
Gender Studies and Planning
We undertake gender studies and analysis as a practical tool for examining activities, problems, knowledge, and access to
natural resources of both women and men, clarifying where they differ and where they are complementary. We also design,
co-ordinate and supervise projects on the impact of economic reforms on various dimensions of gender-based inequality. Our
development planning emphasizes women empowerment through developing mechanism for women to participate in project planning
and decision making etc in development projects. Our integrated approach of gender impact assessment includes:
Respective levels of representation and participation in decision-making
Effective access to resources and effective distribution of these resources
Norms and values that influence roles, attitudes, behaviors and others' expectations
Rights, freedoms and access to justice
Role of women in natural resource management
Child Labor and Child Rights
We assist in assessment of child labor problem in various sectors and contribute in child labor campaigning projects in Asia
particularly in Pakistan. Our professionals have acquired extensive expertise in dealing with labor laws and national and
international child rights and conventions etc. We offer planning and implementation of child labor rehabilitation projects
with integrated approach of their wellbeing.
Social Investment Strategy and Planning
Our approach to social investment strategy focuses on helping various entities to determine both where and how to invest to
maximize social and economic value. Our social investment advisory services include social investment strategy and planning,
assessment of impact of community development programs and delivering community development/social capital programs
/projects. The specific areas are:
Assessment of social investment portfolio and corporate assets
Assessing the competitive constraints that could be addressed through social investment
Developing a social investment management system
Strategic planning for social investment
New social investment startup strategy
Investment strategy for civic bodies
Public private partnership
Risk Assessment and Disaster Management
We assist individuals, households and communities in dealing with diverse risks to steer sustained economic and social
development and combat unproductive coping strategies. We provide wider scope of socio-economic risk and vulnerability
assessment including deprivation from basic social and economic infrastructures leading to poor health, unemployment, poverty
etc. Our strategic management planning covers sustainable labor market, social insurance, and social assistance policies etc.
With the help of multidisciplinary professionals and planning approach, we design, implement and provide training for
emergency/disaster management solutions to drought, cyclones, floods etc by comprehensive hazard identification, risk
assessment and impact analysis, mitigation strategies, emergency response procedures, and community recovery plans etc.
Microfinance and Small Enterprises Development
Our proficient social and economic development expertise are amply capable of providing advisory services to micro
enterprises, self employment activities and household enterprises for achieving social and economic development. We assist in
raising the ability of the self-employed and rural poor to sustain the economic activities essential to their survival. At
this front, we offer development and formulation of fundamental policy, legal and regulatory framework to allow micro level
financial institutions to develop and operate effectively and capacity assessment and institutional strengthening including
imparting training for their sustainable operations.
Community Natural Resources Management
For community natural resources management, we offer wide range of advisory services with our interdisciplinary approach. We
plan and develop sustainable resource management through improved system suggesting user-friendly and state of the art
technology. Our integrated approaches to natural resource like land and water resources management includes poverty
reduction, food security strengthening and developing enabling environment and to promote national, regional, and global
capacities to combat desertification and restore degraded lands.
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation
Through our enriched professional experiences we deliver people oriented decentralized, demand driven and community based
water supply and sanitation programs for the rural areas. We carry out situational analysis of rural areas, need and demand
assessment for water and sanitation and plan integrated water resource management system such as rain water harvesting and
treatment. Our planning approach envisages sustainable water management for poverty reduction and economic growth in
developing communities.
Health and Nutrition Studies
We do health impact assessment, monitoring and evaluation of community health schemes and projects, impact evaluation of
health schemes and projects on HIV/AIDs, immunization programs etc. We also offer Child Nutrition Studies, Reproductive Child
Health (RCH) Studies, Food Distribution Studies, Food Security Studies, Nutrition Education Studies and Special Supplemental
Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) studies etc.
Corporative Social Responsibility (CSR) Planning
The present day society has started witnessing the relationship between the profit motive business activities and its impact
on the society and environment which is being realized as a part and parcel for the overall business model. Issues like
environmental damage, human cost, rootless-ness due to displacement, improper treatment of workers, and faulty production
leading to social inconvenience or environmental danger, are major concerns.
We provide strategic advice to companies in various sectors like financial, property, automotive, oil and gas, power,
manufacturing and corporate communications with strategic advice on how to identify, access and manage their social,
environmental and ethical responsibilities. This advice enables companies to understand the key drivers in their sector,
report on performance to their stakeholders and gain business benefit. Our main offerings in this area include:
Formulation of new corporate social planning and policy
Assessment of the existing CSR policies and suggest the due diligence plan on how the existing CSR can be aligned with
other development activities
Baseline CSR reviews and business case development
Social and ethical benchmarking
Strategic action planning systems
Corporate environmental and social reporting
Mechanism for proper implementation of the CSR policy
Project Monitoring and Evaluation
We deliver advisory services for monitoring and evaluation of multispectral development projects, schemes or programs. The
specific areas of our service include monitoring and evaluation of:
Health and nutrition projects and schemes
Education projects and programs
Resettlement plan and project implementation
Community development projects and schemes
Livelihood projects and programs
Poverty alleviation project and schemes, Planning for natural resource management
Capacity Assessment and Institutional Strengthening
Our diversified professionals with interdisciplinary work approach do capacity assessment including organizational strength,
working environment and organization's management practices such as values and ethics, risk management, integrated
performance information, stewardship, leadership, human resources and accountability etc.
Our capacity development exercise accompanied with training, education and technology transfer gives special attention to the
environment in which people apply their skills. We serve not only for public sector management but also extend to
strengthening of civil institutions and investments in social capital. Our integrated approach to institutional strengthening
involves building or improving the co-ordination of national and local government institutions, private entities, and
nongovernmental organizations to deliver comprehensive programs to prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters.
Tourism Study and Planning
The dramatic growth of tourism worldwide and its impact on socio-economic development is one of the most remarkable phenomena
of this period. Tourism, as an industry, needs proper planning and strategy for its growth. Our team of experienced
professionals specializes in consulting and research in hospitality marketing, tourism planning, travel research, tourist
demographics, visitor conversion studies, and destination marketing. The broad service areas are situational analysis,
strategic planning, implementation planning and monitoring performances. Specific services provided are:
Tourism master planning
Market and economic feasibility studies
Asset evaluation, strategy development and implementation
Tourism development strategies and regional tourism plans
Perception, opinion, demand and satisfaction studies of the tourists
Impact assessment studies
Economic impact studies
Infrastructure planning and its evaluation
Inventory of tourism assets
Market Research and Media Studies
We offer a wide range of market research and media studies for the competitive market and multifaceted consumer world. Our
advisory services in this area include:
Market trends studies to identify current and emerging trends within society, including product usage, brand purchasing
habits, shifts in product usage and other important issues facing the industry.
Benchmark surveys of products and service's prospects, attitudes and opinions before and after an advertisement campaign
to measure how well the advertising is meeting its objectives.
Brand awareness and preference to explore the position of company, as well as your competitors' positions in the market,
and presents new ideas on how to improve product acceptance.
Inquiry follow-up study to demonstrate the effectiveness of advertising program and sales-lead tracking system by
surveying prospects who have responded to the advertisement.
Advertisement evaluation to measure prospects' perceptions and opinions of existing advertisement, or variations in copy
or graphics being considered for a new ad campaign.
New product development to determine customers' and prospects' unfulfilled needs and aids in the development and
introduction of new product into the market.
Consumer profile studies provide detailed information about consumer habit in purchasing, product usage, paying capacity,
purchasing influence and strength etc.
Product usage/application studies provide detailed information on a specific product, including who is currently using
the product, when and why they are using it, and for what applications.
Pre election opinion pool and exit poll surveys.
Our Expertise
For Non-Profit Sector:
We provide a range of services to enable NGOs to realize their mission using modern practices and tools. Modern NGOs are
expected to have a professional and efficient approach towards management and in the execution of their operations to achieve
their valued mission. In the role of an NGO Consultant, "The Funding Resolve' works to enable NGOs to realize their
respective missions by making use of modern tools and techniques. We help NGOs to develop their organizational strategies and
management systems, to train their manpower and to strengthen their systems for efficient monitoring and evaluation of their
funded projects and activities, to manage their staff relationships, to augment their communication skills, to inculcate a
spirit of team-working in their ranks with a view to better project management.
For Setting Up a Non-Profit & Non-Government Organization:
'The Funding Resolve' can help you set up an NGO in accordance with the benchmarks laid down by International donor
community. We can discuss with you the areas of your interest, the targets you wish to achieve in a community etc., and
advise you on the required legal formalities.
An NGO should have clear idea of its geographical area of work and its membership. It helps for NGOs to have a written
mission statement, and a project plan with timing and details about how the projects will be carried out.
For Managing a Non-Government & Non-Profit Organizations:
The Funding Resolve' provides a range of services for effective management of an NGO. Towards this end it helps to give
A clear mission statement which is understood and agreed by all staff and volunteers.
A management structure with clear understanding and acceptance of each person's role and responsibilities.
Detailed project plans (so that everyone knows what is to be done and when).
Co-operation of management and staff in carrying out the NGO's work.
Effective safety procedures for field work to protect staff, volunteers and service users.
For Arrangement of Funding:
Arrangement of funding is a key task/area of NGOs working in any sector (Health, Education, Poverty, gender equality, human
rights etc.). Most NGOs do not have a capability to send their funding proposals to donor agencies due to the lack of
techniques & expertise.
Funding proposal writing is one of the most difficult tasks in NGOs sector. For this purpose, NGOs need to develop contacts
with professional proposal writing experts who specialize in the area of its proposed activity.
'The Funding Resolve', maintains an elaborate panel of experts who specialize in their respective fields and are aware of
donors' expectations. In addition, 'The Funding Resolve' keeps itself abreast of all the newly emerging tendencies and
changing preferences of the donor agencies and tries to couple the interest of the local NGOs with appropriate members of the
donor community.
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Wednesday, 1 June 2011
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