Friday, 17 June 2011

ministry of textiles-handicrafts departments

ministry of textiles-handicrafts departments-

state resource centers-nlm 3

NLM.3 Section
Proposals from Non-governmental Organisation for setting up of State Resource
National Literacy Mission Authority, Ministry of Human Resource
Development, Department of School Education and Literacy invites applications in
prescribed format (annexure) from non-governmental organizations viz., Registered
Voluntary Societies, Public Trusts and Non-profit making Companies in existence for
three or more years from the date of publication of advertisement. for setting up State
Resource Centres (B Category) one each in Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra,
Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh. Category “B” State Resource Centre (SRC) is
provided an annual recurring grant not exceeding Rs. 70.00 lakhs for programme
expenditure, emoluments and office expenditure in the ratio of 45:45:10, respectively
under the Scheme of Support to Voluntary Agencies for Adult Education and Skill
Development. The Scheme shall be in operation till 31-03-2012 unless decided
otherwise by the Government of India. The grant of financial assistance is subject to
the guidelines of the scheme and instructions issued by the Government of India from
time to time. National Literacy Mission Authority retains the right to decide location
of SRC in the State and to set criteria and procedure for screening/shortlisting of
applications and reject any application, withdraw the proposal to set up the State
Resource Centre or change the guidelines at any time without any notice in this
2. State Resource Centres are mandated to provide academic and technical
resource support to adult and continuing education through development and
production of material and training modules. In addition State Resource Centres
would be required to conduct motivational and environmental building action research
and evaluation, monitoring and such other activities as may be assigned from time to
time by the National Literacy Mission Authority (NLMA). Details of the Scheme of
Support to Voluntary Agencies for Adult Education and Skill Development could be
obtained from the website of the Ministry at
3. Application complete in all respects may be sent to the Under Secretary
(NLM-3), National Literacy Mission Authority, Ministry of Human Resource
Development, Department of School Education and Literacy, Room No. 403’C’
Wing, Fourth Floor, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi-110001 in the prescribed format
within forty five days from the date of publication of the advertisement by Registered
Post/Speed Post (not by hand or courier). A copy of the proposal may also be sent to
Education Secretary dealing with Adult Education of the concerned state government
for onward transmission to this Ministry with the comments of the State Government
on the proposal including capability & credential of the Non-government
Organisation (NGO). Those who have submitted their proposals earlier are required to
submit a fresh proposal in response to the Advertisement.
Annexure- B
1. Name of the Voluntary Agency
2. Post Address of the Voluntary Agency
2.1 District and State/U.T. where situated ………………………………..
3. Contact Person: (name) ………………………………………………..
3.1 Telephone ……………………..(O) ………………………… (R)----------
Mobile ………………….
Fax No. …………………… Telex………………. Gram
E. Mail.
4. Nature of Voluntary Agency
(i) Public Trust
(ii) Association
(iii) Non Profit Organisation
(iv) Others
5. i) Registration Number & date ……………………………………
ii) Year of Registration (iii) Validity of Registration Certificate:
6. Whether All India Organisation Yes or No
If yes, please furnish information as per guidelines
7. (a) Does the organization have any previous experience in adult
literacy work?
(b) If yes, was any grant sanctioned from Government of India?
(c) If yes, give details as shown below:
No. and
Area of
i. Block
ii. No. of
iii. No. of
No. of Adult
Centre, if
Period of
sent or
8. Whether the office of the organization is located in own building or
rented building? Please indicate the accommodation available.
9. If the headquarters of the voluntary agency is far away from the
proposed project area, complete address of the place where the suboffice
or branch office will be located in the proposed project area.
10. Please attach detailed project proposal indicating all relevant details
for setting up State Resource Centre in state separately.
11. List of documents to be attached:
(a) Attested copy of Registration Certificate
(b) Copy of Memorandum of Association
(c) Copy of Articles of Association
(d) List of members of Governing Body with address and occupation
(e) Audited account for the last three years namely receipt &
payment Account and Income & Expenditure Account.
(f) Copy of latest Balance Sheet
(g) Copy of latest Annual Report
(h) Proceedings of Board of Management/Executive Committee
during the preceding year.
12. Brief History of the Agency, list objective and activities
13. Brief summary of the activities taken up and the results achieved
during previous year.
14. Annual turn over (in Rs/lakhs) in each of last 3 years (as per statement
of Income & Expenditure of Audited Accounts of the organisation)
15. Additional papers/information, if any in support of application.
Certified that information furnished is correct to the best of my knowledge.
Signature of the Authorised Signatory
Of the Voluntary Agency
Place …………………
Date ………………….